About Webinar Software
What is Webinar software?
Webinar Software is also known as video conferencing Software.
This is a software tool, suite, or a complete platform, for hosting various Online meetings, Conferences, Training, Seminars, Launches, Presentations, Business meetings, or many other events.
Most webinar software enables get togethers, for a minimum of two people, to a maximum of as many as the provider wishes to support, or the host will allow.
Current webinar providers include Zoom, Zoho, Livestorm, Gotowebinar and many more.
Webinar software can be accessed via streaming on any web browser, or the Software can also be downloaded onto the users device. Most commercial Laptop, Tablet, Smartphones etc can handle the requirements of a webinar or a video conference, ensuring a high quality successful experience.
Normal Internet connection speeds are usually suitable for many small webinars and video meetings, whilst Fiber Broadband gives the best high definition experience.
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